Thursday, April 21, 2011

On a positive note...

Things seem to be looking up. I know we all have days when things are good, and other days when things are as bad as ever...and since I don't know what kind of day tomorrow will be, I'm just going to focus on today. Today is a good day.

As some of you may know, I love to knit. I actually use it as a form of therapy, because it forces me to focus my mind on something positive...and I am therefore unable to spend time thinking negative thoughts while knitting. I also love dogs, and have a 4 months old King Charles Spaniel (Daisy). So, it only made sense to combine these two loves while trying to do something to occupy my time.

I recently started a little venture called Dogs and Daisies. In short, I'm designing and knitting custom stylish dog wear. The idea was to create pieces for dogs that are truly different...fashionable yet functional, and above all, unique.  Here are a few pieces I'm proud of...

While Daisy's wardrobe is in rapid expansion mode, I decided to put some items up on can find me at I've also jumped onto the twitter bandwagon (@DogsAndDaisies) so I can share some of my random knit-bits.

I don't know whether putting myself out there like this again is a good idea or not. In hindsight, I'm not ever sure why I'm doing it, given my intense fear of judgment and rejection...anyways, I guess we'll see what happens!


  1. These ae so cute and perfect. If I had a dog, I would definitely want to buy a couple.
    I certainly don't see how you could get any criticism on these. You'v done a great job with the colors, lines, and your knitting looks perfect.

  2. Great attitude with regards to focusing on the here and now, one day at a time - it's all any of us really ever has! :)

    Beautiful knitting - you are very talented! My grandmother, who is also a very talented knitter, once taught me (although it's been a while). I'm doing a DBT skills group right now and knitting seems like a perfect mindfulness activity! Perhaps I'll look into trying it again myself! :) Wishing you well! *hugs* :)
